Our expert pool brings together professionals from a number of disciplines for one mission: helping those who need it most. We rely on experts to provide insights across different areas to keep our projects running. Individuals like you, with special skills and experience in finance, media, project management, and more, help us provide life-saving aid and reconstruction efforts to those in need.

You make our team stronger, more effective, and more capable – which means we can help even more people during their greatest time of need.

We kindly ask for your understanding that Malteser International and Malteser International Americas, however, only employs volunteer aid workers in the special circumstances of large emergencies, disasters, and crises of an international scale.

The increasing complexity of humanitarian aid makes great demands on the skills and commitment of our staff. We therefore expect a multitude of qualifications and competences that can only normally be gained from long-term practical experience. In many countries, we cooperate with local organizations and local staff who know the needs and structures on the ground best.

As an employer, Malteser International and Malteser International Americas, has a duty of care for its staff, who are often exposed to extreme and high-risk working conditions. We strive to minimize these risks through training and by providing  appropriate equipment and insurance coverage. Target-orientated and professional processes for the selection, preparation, supervision, and support of our international and national staff are essential considerations to ensure the quality of our humanitarian aid.

We adhere to the following principles with regard to the role of volunteers in our work:

Often, offering cash for work programs – e.g. employing local people to remove debris and ruins after an earthquake – is preferable to employing foreign volunteers, as they give local people an opportunity to earn money to feed their families after disasters and contribute to the broader economic development of the country.

In the particular cases where volunteers are sent to crisis regions following severe emergencies, selection will be undertaken based on the following criteria:

As the worldwide relief service of the Sovereign Order of Malta for humanitarian aid, we receive enquiries from people all over the world seeking to volunteer. Our choice of volunteers will be based above all on the needs of the people affected by a disaster. The nationality of the persons concerned are not amongst the many considerations that this choice entails.

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