Luisa Peroso, a 28-year-old Venezuelan migrant now residing in Colombia, knew that leaving her country would be a struggle. But she never imagined having to endure the diffi culties she faces daily. “It isn’t easy to leave your country and go elsewhere. It’s not easy to leave three children behind in Venezuela and bring three young children to Colombia.”

From the uncertain and perilous journey from Venezuela, it was just Luisa, her husband, and her three sons: Emanuel, 5 years old, Esteban, 3 years old, and Abraham, 2 years old. Once they arrived in Riohacha, they had no assistance
because of their refugee status and were faced with uncertainties on how to survive in this new land.

Upon their arrival, Luisa knew her youngest son was having health issues. Fortunately, she was introduced to Nutrition programs supported by Malteser International Americas over the past two years. “We are a low-income family. We don’t have much to give our children. When MI America’s doctor met us, we had nothing. Little by little, we have been able to grow and provide for our children the best we can,” Luisa says.

Abraham, her youngest son, was malnourished when he arrived in Colombia. Luisa shares, “Abraham was weighing 4 kilograms (8.8 pounds) when we arrived at 7 months old. Today, Abraham weighs 11 kilograms (24 pounds).”

I have God helping me, as well as MI Americas.

Her other child, Esteban was in the program last year as well due to low weight. Luisa tries to hold back tears as she says, “I am so thankful for the good programs at MI Americas, as well as the help from the nutritionist.”

Johana Barros, Head Nutritionist, leads the nutritional control program. She helped Luisa get her boys on track, including providing medications they needed to ensure their health. Through Luisa staying in the MI Americas programs
throughout the years, she has been able to nourish her children, as well as provide for their healthcare.

Luisa receives the nutrition kits provided by MI Americas to children in this program for 4 months to help with their supplemental needs. “The nutritionist gives me hope. She says to me, ‘Luisa keep going, keep the faith and hope alive,’ and that is exactly what I am doing,” says Luisa.


Thank you for giving people in need the chance to live a life in good health and with dignity.