
In 2003, the former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan stated that "there is no tool for development more effective than the education of girls."

Sadly, for girls who have gone through puberty in developing countries, their monthly menstruation cycle remains the biggest reasons why they miss school. Most girls miss school for a few days each month because they don’t have the possibility to manage their menstruation in school. The end result is staying home, falling behind in their studies, and impacting their entire future. And that isn't right. So that's why we added a menstruation hygiene room to each of the 55 latrines we built in our target schools in Haiti, where every girl has access to posters explaining proper hygiene during their cycles.

Our hygiene initiatives started out as ways to promote cleanliness and good health in schools, but it resulted in something bigger. We also broke taboos surrounding menstruation and raised awareness of the importance of good menstrual hygiene management.

It is our hope that all girls remain healthy and feel confident every day of the month. And they should not be ashamed because of their womanhood, or lose out on opportunities because of it. Females should have the same access to education as their male classmates every day of the month.