
This stoic, beautiful, caramel-skinned woman named Amelia is 71 years old and she greeted MI Americas staff in Cite Soleil, Haiti, wielding a machete. She used it to clear the land for new crops in the community garden which we support. Humor crosses over language barriers, so in broken Creole and over the top hand gestures, MI Americas staff feigned fear, and everyone laughed. In her perfect Creole, Amelia shared with staff that we weren’t to worry. "We are friends, she said. “Thank you for all you have done. I hope to grow the garden.” Beneficiaries are more than people who receive our assistance. Amelia's family is one of 80 families who toil the gardens. People in Cite Soleil want to live healthier lives. And that is what we are helping them to do. Before MI Americas staff left the garden so that Amelia could continue, hugs were exchanged.