
Large sections of Cité Soleil have experienced flooding following several days of heavy rains amidst political turmoil. This densely populated and impoverished commune of Port- au-Prince is susceptible to flooding as waste traveling from other parts of the city clog the canals.

Cité Soleil residents depend on authorities and local volunteers to regularly remove human waste from the rudimentary drainage system to prevent sanitation disasters. During the past month, anti-government protests have erupted in Haiti, paralyzing parts of the country and interrupting the sustained drainage of the canal.

Last week’s rainfall left 2,500 homes flooded with families losing home appliances, mattresses and important documents. The community has expressed an urgent need for cleaning equipment, hygienic kits, batteries, blankets and potable water.

Haiti has not had an official government since Jean Henri Ceant was thrown out by parliament on March 21st on a no-confidence vote.  The political turmoil has added to the economic instability, with the gourd – Haiti’s currency – losing 37.6% of its value in the last year, and inflation estimated at 22.4%. The economy is expected to shrink by 1% for 2019.

Political instability has prevented authorities and volunteers from draining the canals.

The instability has also hampered the delivery of humanitarian aid, with scheduled activities and projects having to be suspended for security and logistical reasons.

Malteser International Americas has been active in Cité Soleil since 2010 and has 22 staff which have helped build much needed infrastructure in water sanitation, nutrition and health.  In collaboration with local partners, we implement projects that engage youth in waste management activities and education campaigns which improve sanitation and hygiene conditions for Cite Soleil residents.

Our work in Cité Soleil is invaluable and we are committed to supporting this vibrant and resilient community.