
A newborn child’s heartbeat and first cry are the most beautiful sounds in the world to a new mother. But, tragically, too many indigenous women in remote regions of northern Colombia don’t experience that joy. In fact, eighteen out of every thousand babies here don’t make it to their first breath. Too often, women give birth on their own. It’s dangerous for both mother and child.

But through our programs, we are changing life for mothers like Betty Urariu. Betty, the mother of two, will have an easier and safer delivery when she gives birth to her third child any day now. She is so grateful!

Our healthcare experts are working with local midwives to bring help and hope to hundreds of mothers like Betty. Traditionally, indigenous midwives use massage and medicinal herbs to help mothers give birth. But with the training we are providing, they are now incorporating modern hygiene measures and making sure that women with high-risk pregnancies
receive the specialized care they need.

Magaly Uriana, 56, a midwife, embraces the training. “Malteser is helping to keep the children nourished with supplements, and I am very grateful for that. The children are healthier and the mothers have more milk.”

In a region where malnutrition and child mortality are significantly higher than the national average, we are saving lives.