
Families have been left barren –without homes and loved ones– after the shocking eruption of the Volcano of Fire in Guatemala on June 3, 2018. The emergency relief needs of families are becoming more apparent, and even more dire.

As of today, the Guatemalan government reports that the death toll has reached 92 people and 192 people are still missing. There are 46 people injured, some with severe burn wounds. More than 12,000 people have been evacuated. Of the 2,500 people who are living in shelters, 500 are being cared for by the Order of Malta Guatemalan Association.

We have spoken to the Order of Malta Guatemalan Association, who were on-the-ground-rushing emergency relief to victims and survivors, and they have now expressed need for assistance.

Malteser International Americas is supporting the ongoing relief efforts of the Guatemalan Association, and their need for medical supplies and medicine for burn victims. Additionally, mobile clinics are being mobilized and efforts are being taken to provide critical psycho-social support to traumatized survivors.

With such an unexpected disaster, it is expected that families will be without homes and in shelters for at least 9 to 12 months, and Malteser International Americas is committed to helping families who are suffering losses of every kind to rebuild their lives as they move from shelter to home again.

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